MCU Celestials: Who are the powerful and mysterious entities?

The MCU Celestials are a group of the most powerful and powerful alien entities in the Marvel universe.
MCU Celestials


Origins of the MCU Celestials

In the early years of Marvel Comics, the origin of the MCU Celestials is not clear, they are a group of mysterious space entities – can be thought of as an alien race, created by comic book author Jack Kirby, possessing immense cosmic powers that have yet to be fully discovered (in the comics appeared the character The Fulcrum in the shape of Jack Kirby, considered a very powerful cosmic entity, created the MCU Celestials.


Many people think that The Fulcrum is another name or another form of the Supreme Being The One Above All, all representing the image of the author of the Marvel comic world). Celestials are usually giant in shape, about 2000 feet (610m) tall, and often appear with extremely sturdy armor on their bodies. No one has ever seen their true form hidden under those armor layers, and the origin of this group is still not really clear.

Later on, the latest Marvel titles rewrote the origins of the MCU Celestials. In it, an entity called the First Firmament is the first incarnation of the Marvel universe, which existed before Eternity. Due to its loneliness, this entity created the Aspirants – cosmic entities capable of creating life. These entities were originally black and white and were named Aspirant. But the multicolored Aspirants – later known as the Celestial – wanted their creatures to evolve, possess power, and change the universe.

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In the early years of Marvel Comics, the origin of the MCU Celestials is not clear, they are a group of mysterious space entities - can be thought of as an alien race
Origins of the MCU Celestials

This led to a war between the Aspirants, which tore the First Firmament, giving birth to the first Multiverse: Eternity. At the end of this battle, the Aspirants forged a powerful five-mile-high armor called the Godkiller but ultimately were unable to stand up to the Celestials.

This led to a war between the Aspirants, which tore the First Firmament, giving birth to the first Multiverse: Eternity. At the end of this battle, the Aspirants forged a powerful five-mile-high armor called the Godkiller
Celestial slaying armor created by their Aspirant brothers

The MCU Celestials have visited Earth a total of four times in the past, each time changing the course of human history. The first group of Celestials arrived on Earth about 1 million years ago to conduct the first experiments on humanity – the tallest life form on the planet. They created the first two races called Eternals and Deviants. The most remarkable legacy they left to the development trend of humanity was to plant a germ of DNA that we would later know as mutation, giving birth to mutants.


The second time to Earth of the Celestials was about 25,000 years ago, to examine and evaluate the development of the two species mentioned above. Realizing that the Deviants had evolved in a bad way, the Celestials destroyed their greatest stronghold, while rebuilding the continental plates (which caused the disappearance of Atlantis).

– The third group of Celestials visited Earth about 1000 years ago to continue to monitor human evolution. At this point, they encounter the mythical gods of the Earth, such as Odin of Asgard and Zeus of Olympia. These gods have declared war on them for the right to interfere in Earth’s affairs. Unfortunately, the gods lost their battle with the Celestials.

The MCU Celestials are so powerful that even the sky-fathers can't stand against them
The Sky-Fathers of Earth must also kneel before the Celestials

– The 4th and last visit is in recent years with the purpose of assessing whether humanity on Earth is worthy to continue to exist or not through assessing the development of mutant genes. . Realizing that the mutant genes were well developed, they decided to let humanity continue to survive.

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– Up until now it is not known how many Celestial entities exist in the universe. Even their number during their 4th visit to Earth remains a mystery. The group on that visit was led by The One Above All (this is the name of the leader of the Celestials during his 4th visit to Earth – not to be confused with the Marvel Multiverse Supreme of the same name (TOAA), however, this entity is only standing outside the observable space while the rest of the members are directly on the ground. The one who directly directs the Celestials on the ground is Arishem.

– Not only Earth but the MCU Celestials are also said to have visited many other worlds for the purpose of conducting their own species experiments. For example, the Skrulls are known as the result of one of these experiments. The Celestials also regularly evaluate and monitor the development of species on those worlds, and Earth is the only case they have positively identified and therefore do not destroy humanity.

The Power of MCU Celestials

The Celestials’ power potential is still unexplored, although they are referred to as very powerful spatial entities. Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) believes their power comes from a Hyperspace. During their third landing on Earth, they defeated the alliance between Asgard, Olympia, and the other Holy Councils. of the Earth gods such as Odin, Zeus, Vishnu, and Osiris…, forcing the Skyfathers to kneel before their power. Later, Odin donned the Destroyer armor, absorbed all the souls and powers of Asgard (except Thor), and wielded Asgard’s sword to attack the Celestials, he was also quickly defeated by them. The strength of the Celestials could even make Galactus afraid.


Although the Celestials’ abilities are not fully understood, they are believed to have the following abilities:

  • Super speed;
  • Super strength;
  • Immortal;
  • Self-regeneration;
  • Absorb, regenerate and use cosmic energy – they can absorb and use nearly any form of energy;
  • Generates Forcefield (energy shield);
  • Psychic (psychic) ​​– they have very strong telepathy, to the level of quantum (Quantum Telepathy), and can communicate with each other no matter where they are;
  • Manipulating objects;
  • Teleportation (capable of traveling through a lot of different spaces and universes);
  • Changing reality, for example manipulating the law of cause and effect, predicting the future, manipulating spatial and cosmic dimensions, opening space portals, changing space-time…;
  • Change the size and shape…

In addition, they are also said to possess a weapon called “The Weapon” whose power is comparable to The Ultimate Nullifier – a weapon that can destroy the entire multiverse (Multiverse level). ).

Of course, each different Celestial will have different strength levels, some are very strong but there are also quite weak members. The specific strength of the Celestials will be further covered below by introducing some prominent members.

Some Outstanding Celestials

This section will introduce some of the characters that the writer considers the strongest among the Celestials. They have power far beyond the Skyfathers, and can even frighten Galactus or The Watchers.

One Above All: Leader of the Celestials

Leader of the Celestials
One Above All

Tiamut the Dreaming Celestial

Tiamut was originally a member of the MCU Celestials that landed on Earth for the second time
Tiamut the Dreaming Celestial

Tiamut was originally a member of the MCU Celestials that landed on Earth for the second time. During this landing, Tiamut caused a conflict with Arishem the Judge (one of the two Celestials has the power to decide which species on which planet. has the right to live or to be destroyed, who has the power to open and close different dimensional portals). Arishem and the other members of the group believe that Tiamut has committed a crime, so they join forces against Tiamut, and imprison him at the foot of a mountain.

They then managed to separate Tiamut’s soul and seal his body under Mount Diablo in California, sending Tiamut into a state that seemed to last forever. After many events throughout the Fantastic Four and The Avengers series (sorry can’t list them here because it’s too long, it would dilute the topic), Tiamut meets The Fulcrum (creator of the Celestials as mentioned above). During this meeting, he removed his helmet to reveal a face that looked like a glowing human face. The Fulcrum claims Tiamut’s power is great and doesn’t want to see him as a tool anymore, and accepts him as a friend. Tiamut later appeared several times in the X-men series.


Tiamut is widely acknowledged as the strongest of the Celestials. There are quite a few anecdotes about him: “Tiamut made stars; Tiamut sings a song that turns back the time nearly 14 billion years”…. The Fulcrum, the creator of the Celestials, seems to rate Tiamut the highest of the Celestials and considers Tiamut’s potential for strength to be no less than his own. Galactus also admits that he was scared when Tiamut ended his sleep and woke up (implying that Galactus’s power has not yet matched Tiamut’s). Even before meeting The Fulcrum and discovering his true abilities, Tiamut was so powerful that all members of the Celestials during the second landing on Earth had to join forces (including Arishem – a very powerful Celestial. strong) can control and neutralize Tiamut. Tiamut’s hidden abilities are still unknown.

Scathan the Approver

This is also a very strong Celestial. Even The Living Tribunal and Eternity highly appreciated Scathan.
Scathan the Approver

This is also a very strong Celestial. Even The Living Tribunal and Eternity highly appreciated Scathan. His role with respect to cosmic entities is still unclear, but Scathan is most likely acting as a secretary for the universe. In the words of the Living Tribunal, “Scathan the Approver has come here only to witness and record my judgments”.

Scathan was summoned by the Living Tribunal to deal with a case involving Protégé, who had the ability to copy the powers of cosmic entities. Throughout this particular trial, Scathan acts as a quiet and composed witness, while The Tribunal, Eternity and Hawk God debate the case between Protégé, the Beyonder, and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Protégé has copied most of the powers of many cosmic entities (including The Living Tribunal) and openly wishes to become a second The One Above All. At that point, Scathan voiced his disapproval of this and used his powers to extract the abilities Protégé had copied from the entities, whereupon he imprisoned Protégé. The Living Tribunal then creates Eternal Hourglass and permanently imprisons Protégé.

Although it only appeared once (Scathan belongs to the Earth-691 universe), but with what has been shown, Scathan is said to be a Celestial with a strength that surpasses other normal Celestials (there are even suspicions about it). suspect Scathan wasn’t exactly a Celestial, given his important role in the universe). Highly regarded and respected by both the Living Tribunal, Eternity, and cosmic entities, he is clearly one of the most powerful of the Celestials, not to be outdone by Tiamut.

Arishem the Judge: Celestial wields the power to kill a planet.

Celestial wields the power to kill a planet.
Arishem the Judge

Eson the Searcher: Celestial with a quest to find.

Celestial with a quest to find.
Eson the Searcher

Exitar the Exterminator: Celestial with a mission to destroy.

Celestial with a mission to destroy.
Exitar the Exterminator

Oneg the Prober: Has reconnaissance and testing missions.

Has reconnaissance and testing missions.
Oneg the Prober

In addition, there are some other characters that are also very strong such as Exitar the Executioner or Arishem the Judge…